The 44th European Working Group on Limited-Area Modelling (EWGLAM) Meeting and the 29th Short Range NWP (SRNWP) Meeting were successfully organized between 26-29 September in Brussels, Belgium, with around 80 in-situ and 60 online participants and several invited speakers. The special topic this year was “Opportunities and challenges in hectometric NWP”. It was concluded that many hectometric NWP applications nowadays are focusing on urban environment. The most important challenges related to these models are adequate external parameters (e.g. land use database on the order of 10 m) and suitable physical parameterizations (e.g. 3D turbulence). A special session was also organized about the future evolution of High Performance Computing.
Presentations are available at the meeting’s website: http://srnwp.met.hu/Annual_Meetings/2022/index.html