Geneva DBCP (Data Buoy Cooperation Panel) 38


Geneva DBCP (Data Buoy Cooperation Panel) 38

Within the framework of the DBCP, Olivier Desprez de Gésincourt, the manager of E-SurfMar and Christophe Guillerm, the manager of the work package data buoys,  went to Geneva for the DBCP 38 meeting (Data Buoy Cooperation Panel) that took place from 31st October to 4th November.

The purpose of this meeting was to meet our different partners face-to-face for the first time in person since COVID-19 and also to present the new Programme Management Team.

The Programme Manager presented his work and, in addition, work shops were organized on the following themes :

-Data management

-Anchored buoys

-Wave measurements

-Capacity building

-Environmental management

-Vandalism and Awareness



For the new E-SurfMar management team, this was a very relevant meeting to discuss and meet with colleagues, especially those at NOAA where an agreement is in place to be part of the GDP UPgrade programme.

We met Marc Lucas from CLS who manages the Trusted programme as part of WMO collegues from OceanOPS.

Finally, it was an essential opportunity for us to share and present our programme.