

OPERA is the Radar Programme of EUMETNET

The objectives of OPERA :

  • to provide a European platform wherein expertise on operationally-oriented weather radar issues is exchanged;
  • to develop, generate and distribute high-quality pan-European weather radar composite products  on an operational basis.


The key achievements of OPERA:

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 OPERA has been coordinating radar data exchange in Europe for 20 years, and its data centres have been operational for almost a decade.

In the previous programme phase (2019-2023)  the data centre (ODYSSEY) operated since 2011, was gradually replaced with three new production lines. The three production lines, CUMULUS/STRATUS, NIMBUS, and CIRRUS, are responsible for gathering the data, and producing European-wide radar products for EUMETNET members as well as third-party users.    


The organisation

The current phase of OPERA covers the years 2024-2028.
The Coordinating Member is the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and the Project Manager is Dr. Annakaisa von Lerber.

For questions about OPERA data, please contact

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