Pollen allergy and asthma affect between 15-40% of the European population and as such are some of the most common chronic diseases in the region. Related direct and indirect health costs have been estimated to be between €50-150 billion per year. Air pollution and extreme weather can further exacerbate pollen allergy and it is believed that, together with other environmental elements, these factors have played a role in the increasing prevalence of pollen allergy in Europe over the past decades.
Practical mitigation and adaptation measures are based on pollen observations. These data are used by physicians for diagnosis, treatment, clinical studies, and education. They are also used for empirical and numerical pollen forecasts, which in turn aid allergy sufferers to effectively plan their activities and medication intake. Furthermore, long-term pollen data are useful for phenological studies and monitoring of invasive species.
At present, most pollen monitoring networks are based on manual observations which suffer from poor time resolution and long delays in data availability. However, recent technological developments provide the possibility to make automatic pollen observations that are revolutionising the information that can be made available to end-users. Such timely information, and the enhanced forecasts this enables, will vastly improve the treatment and lives of allergy sufferers.
The AutoPollen programme seeks to take full advantage of the large potential for progress that automatic pollen observations provide. It brings together a consortium from across Europe with the multidisciplinary expertise needed to address the challenges along the entire information chain – from the actual observation through to the final end-user defined product. The programme is particularly innovative in its cooperation and standardisation from-the-start approach. It also favours convergence with the aerosol and air quality monitoring communities, which should lead to improved service provision and additional savings.
The programme aims to:
– Define the main standards of automatic pollen monitoring (methods, sites, data format, quality assessment and control, etc.)
– Demonstrate the feasibility of an automatic European pollen monitoring network by integrating developing and planned projects.
– Deliver information and recommendations to members for the establishment of automatic pollen networks and the development of related products based on real-time pollen data.
– Actively engage with stakeholders to ensure end-products are designed with their needs as priority.
– Provide a space to share multidisciplinary expertise to ensure synergy and collaboration.
– Explore the way to standardisation and the possible extension of the activity to the WMO.
The AutoPollen Programme is coordinated by MeteoSwiss, started in January 2018 and will run until the end of 2022. Four Working Groups focus on the main topics of interest: Techniques, Quality, Processing, and Products. The leads of each working group together form the AutoPollen Expert Team.
AutoPollen includes a wide range of participants, from EUMETNET members to universities, research institutes, and patient organisations, reflecting the diverse landscape of institutes involved in pollen monitoring across Europe:
ARSO, Slovenia – CHMI, Czech Republic – DHMZ, Croatia – DWD, Germany – FMI, Finland – HNMS, Greece – IMGW-PIB, Poland – Met Eireann, Ireland – MeteoLux, Luxemburg – MeteoSwiss, Switzerland – IPMA, Portugal – ZAMG, Austria – AERONET, Turkey – ATMO, France – Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety, Germany – Biosense Institute Research, Serbia – European Aerobiology Society – European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Association (EFA) –National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine – Red Española de Aerobiología (REA), Spain – RNSA, France – Sciensano, Belgium – Siauliai University, Lithuania – Swedish Natural History Museum, Sweden– University of Latvia, Latvia – University of Worcester, UK – ZAUM – Zentrum for Allergie und Umwelt Medezin, Germany
Furthermore, the programme collaborates with several European-level projects and organisations, including: the CAMS-23 project, the COST Action ADOPT (New Approaches in Detection of Pathogens and Aeroallergens – CA18226), and the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI).
Current automatic pollen monitoring activities
There are several ongoing projects and activities related to automatic pollen monitoring across Europe. This includes:
– The Bavarian e-PIN platform, the world’s first fully automatic pollen monitoring network with public access to 3-hourly observations.
– The Serbian-Croatian RealForAll project
– The automatisation of the Swiss pollen monitoring network
– The Irish POMMEL project
– The Lithaunian-Latvian-Finnish PASYFO project
OPERA Data production
During the previous OPERA phase (2019-2023), the data centre (ODYSSEY) was gradually replaced with three new production lines (CUMULUS/STRATUS CIRRUS, and NIMBUS).
New production lines
• CUMULUS/STRATUS, a real-time data hub providing the incoming data back to members in approximately real-time for their own processing (e.g. regional composites or NWP assimilation) and to the other two production lines (CIRRUS and NIMBUS). The production line has been operational since Q2/2021.
• CIRRUS producing 5-minute instantaneous maximum reflectivity composite (dBZ) for current weather, severe weather alerts and aviation needs. It is replacing the ODYSSEY maximum reflectivity composite with improved spatial (now with 1 km gridding) and temporal resolution (from 15 – minutes to 5- minutes). The production has been operational since Q1/2024. Documentation regarding the CIRRUS maximum reflectivity product and its differences compared to the ODYSSEY maximum reflectivity product can be found here.
OPERA_Max Reflectivity_Product Sheet_Ed-2.0.pdf
• NIMBUS produces centrally the quality-controlled products; instantaneous rain rate (mm/h) and 1 – hour accumulation (mm) composites, and wind profiles (TBD Q4/2024), and additionally the quality-controlled volume data for NWP assimilation. It replaces the ODYSSEY production for the above-mentioned products. The NIMBUS production has been operational since Q2/2024. Documentation regarding the NIMBUS composites and their differences compared to the corresponding ODYSSEY can be found here:
OPERA support can be reached through email to support.opera[at] Responses from the service desk are provided on a best-effort basis.
Access to data
The members of OPERA and EUMETNET may use the composites for their official duties without a separate license. The Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) modelers obtain the quality-controlled volume data directly from the NIMBUS production line.
The OPERA products are also available under license to 3rd parties:
For national weather services not participating in OPERA which want to use the products to support their public weather service, contact info[at]
For a research and education licence, contact info[at]
For a license to exploit the products commercially, contact one of the EUMETNET members contact points ( or send an email to eumetdaps_secretariat[at]
The coverage for the EUMETNET AMDAR network for a typical day is shown on the map below. Yellow plots indicate observations taken enroute with red and green plots representing aircraft ascent and descent profiles.
OBSERVATIONS – OPERA OPERA is the Radar Programme of EUMETNET The objectives of OPERA : The key achievements of OPERA: OPERA has been coordinating radar data exchange in Europe for 20 years, and its data centres have been operational for almost a decade. In the previous programme phase (2019-2023) the data centre (ODYSSEY) operated since 2011, was gradually replaced with three new production lines. The three production lines, CUMULUS/STRATUS, NIMBUS, and CIRRUS, are responsible for gathering the data, and producing European-wide radar products for EUMETNET members as well as third-party users.
During the previous OPERA phase (2019-2023), the data centre (ODYSSEY) was gradually replaced with three new production lines (CUMULUS/STRATUS CIRRUS, and NIMBUS).
Figure: The schematic structure of the new OPERA data production.
The three new production lines are:
• CUMULUS/STRATUS, a real-time data hub providing the incoming data back to members in approximately real-time for their own processing (e.g. regional composites or NWP assimilation) and to the other two production lines (CIRRUS and NIMBUS). The production line has been operational since Q2/2021.
• CIRRUS producing 5-minute instantaneous maximum reflectivity composite (dBZ) for current weather, severe weather alerts and aviation needs. It is replacing the ODYSSEY maximum reflectivity composite with improved spatial (now with 1 km gridding) and temporal resolution (from 15 – minutes to 5- minutes). The production has been operational in Q1/2024. Documentation regarding the CIRRUS maximum reflectivity product and its differences compared to the ODYSSEY maximum reflectivity product can be found here.
– OPERA_Max Reflectivity_Product Sheet_Ed-2.0.pdf
– OPERA5_Report_Cirrus-vs-Odyssey_Ed-2.0.pdf
• NIMBUS producing centrally the quality-controlled products; instantaneous rain rate (mm/h) and 1 – hour accumulation (mm) composites, and wind profiles (TBD Q4/2024), and additionally the quality-controlled volume data for NWP assimilation. It is replacing the ODYSSEY production for the above-mentioned products. The NIMBUS production has been operational in Q2/2024. Documentation regarding the NIMBUS composites and their differences compared to the corresponding ODYSSEY can be found here:
– NIMBUS_datasheet_composites_1.0_13062024.pdf
– NIMBUS_composite_vs_ODYSSEY_1.0_19062024.pdf
OPERA support can be reached through email to Responses from the service desk are provided on a best-effort basis.
Access to data
The members of OPERA and EUMETNET may use the composites for their official duties without a separate license. The Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) modelers obtain the quality-controlled volume data directly from NIMBUS production line.
The OPERA products are also available under license to 3rd parties:
· For national weather services not participating in OPERA which want to use the products to support their public weather service, contact
· For a research and education licence, contact
· For a license to exploit the products commercially, contact one of the EUMETNET members contact points( or send a mail
WG AVIMET: The Working Group for Aviation Objectives Aviation, consisting of a wide spectrum of aeronautical stakeholders, is a high priority customer group for most EUMETNET Members. Via co-operation, EUMETNET Members strive to improve the value and efficiency of aeronautical meteorological services to ensure performance benefits for the aviation industry as well as to reduce the negative impact of adverse weather conditions on the daily operations. AVIMET is a Working Group of EUMETNET that was created to address issues of common interest within the aeronautical meteorological (MET) domain, especially in relation to the ongoing development of the political, technical and regulatory landscape under a Single European Sky (SES). In addition to this, the WG AVIMET aims to facilitate the exchange of information between members on aviation meteorological issues whilst developing common position statements of EUMETNET on aviation-related issues. Focus Areas AVIMET has identified three main focus areas: Membership & Organisation Membership is open to all EUMETNET Members who may nominate one representative to the Working Group. In general, the representative should belong to an authorized and certified MET Service Provider which may be either the EUMETNET Member itself or another agency in that country. On 1st of January 2017 AVIMET has 33 members. The Working Group tasks are coordinated by an elected WG Chairperson whose main roles are to: The AVIMET Chair is assisted by 2 elected Vice-Chairs.