
Why Eumetcal?

Eumetcal is The EUMETNET Education and Training Collaborative Network of the National Meteorological Services within Europe.

Goal: The goal of this collaboration is to increase the education and training opportunities for its members. By helping the members share and re-use their training offerings double work is avoided. The management of the Eumetcal 2 Programme therefore creates a central place where members can ask questions and find answers to all their meteorological education and training related needs, so that Eumetcal members can accomplish the training goals of their own organisation.

How does Eumetcal work?

Eumetcal relies on its members. A productive collaboration only brings valuable results if all members actively participate and share their knowledge and resources with the community. The Eumetcal 2 Programme Management Group will support the community by:

1) The facilitation of collaborations

    • bringing together organisations that have the same training needs and possible training providers.
    • providing tools that offer a good overview of material and knowledge that is available within the community and for communication among each other.
    • stimulating the re-use of available good training resources: sharing knowledge and connecting members with existing, quality training resource and assisting member to customize them to their needs.

2) Running a Eumetcal Expert Center with two major goals. First, offer a virtual space where the community can find answers to their everyday questions about education and training. Second, support members to overcome their challenges in transitioning their classroom training into online format. Through online formats, education and training programs be maintained in the today’s world.

Some activities of the Center include:

    • Train the trainers and continuous training for trainers
    • Briefing for HR or training managers
    • Coaching for trainers, HR managers or training managers
    • Provide support to the community on the design of effective (online) training resources and courses
    • A Library with a well-maintained collection of scientific articles, presentations, videos, courses, guides, tips and tricks and other resources about Education and Training.
    • Newsletters
    • Webinars about topics of interest to the community

3) Providing the community with useful tools and with accompanied support, as they implement their training activities (Webex, turning point and other tools).

4) Fostering and supporting an active community of practice which shares knowledge across organisations to deliver high-quality and cost-effective training.

With all the activities mentioned above The Eumetcal 2 programme Management Group aims to create a central place where:

    • members can easily share and exchange (e-) learning materials in which the learners are actively involved and which are aligned with the WMO Competency standards.
    • employees of Member States can enroll themselves to each other’s training courses
    • members can easily adapt the shared materials to meet their own needs and in their own language, and offer it to their employees
    • members can find experts and/or organisations who will assist them in implementing their training activities in instances where there is no in-house knowledge or limited time


Simply put, we would like to create a place where you can ask questions and find answers to all meteorological education and training related needs, so that you can accomplish the training goals of your organisation.

Who is in charge?

Coordinating Members: KNMI in partnership with DMHZ and MeteoSwiss.
Eumetcal 2 Programme Manager: Heleen ter Pelkwijk ( or )
Instructional Designers: Fabienne Werder ( and Tsvetomir Ross-Lazarov (
Technical Support Officer: Tomislav Marekovic ( and/or
Eumetcal Steering Group: Steven Callaghan (, chair of ESG.

For more information please check out The Eumetcal Portal @ or send an email to

“True collaboration between Member state institutions in training activities.”