Eumetcal: Success Stories


Success Stories

The joint CALMet XIII and Eumetcal Conference 2019 was held in Darmstadt, Germany, from 17-20 September 2019. There were 99
This year's course blended online and residence work, and contained online pre-requisites (videos and modules), synchronous webinars, practice exercises, online
The course had been two years in the planning, but it finally started in October 2019 with a six-week online
The opening of the main convective season of 2019 started in May with an Event Week full of topics around
The 2nd SEEMET Basic Satellite Training Course on the 'Basics of satellite meteorology and satellite image interpretation and their application
In April, the Training Support Officers from WMO-ETR, WMO-VLab, EUMETSAT, EUMeTrain, Eumetcal, the Met Office, Météo-France, DWD, RSHU and CIMH