Programme Management




The objectives of the EUMETNET Observations Programme Management are:

– To design and coordinate the evolution of the ground based EUMETNET Composite Observing System (EUCOS) to be optimized on a European scale with a view to improving short range forecasting and climate monitoring over Europe without increasing the overall cost, in line with the EUMETNET Strategy defined by the Assembly;

– To monitor and control EUCOS performance;

– To ensure effective management for the fully integrated components E-ABO, E-ASAP, E-GVAP, E-PROFILE,  E-SURFMAR and OPERA;

– To support Member State activities to design, coordinate and operate networks to support general forecasting, including kilometre-scale NWP, and climate monitoring and to facilitating international collaboration (e.g. through the facilitation of information exchange and multi-lateral discussions);

– To provide representation on observational matters on behalf of and supporting the interests of EUMETNET Members within international fora including those relating to WMO and GMES;

– To support the evolution of European and national network design through a studies programme.

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The tasks

– Organising two meetings a year with the Operational Service Managers and Project Managers of the Observations Programme,

– Coordinating activities, monitoring progress, work plans, requirements tracker, risk register etc.

– Produce common Observations Programme mid-year reports to STAC, PFAC and Assembly.

– Work with the EUMETNET Secretariat to ensure that the programme budget proposals for the Observations Programme and integrated Operational Services are delivered in line with the EUMETNET EIG budget and business planning cycle in the Financial Rules.


The requirements

Coordinate the Observation Programme and the Observation Operational Services and Projects according to the tasks given in the programme decisions of the individual services and projects by:

– Identify issues and prepare supporting information for decisions within the Observations programme that have to be referred to STAC and/or PFAC.

– Prepare statements on proposals for new operational services, projects or activities within the Programme.

– Represent EUMETNET at meetings of the Observation Programme Managers.

– Represent EUMETNET at international Conferences/Meetings.

– Represent the Observation Programme at STAC, PFAC and /or Assembly, if necessary.

– Coordinate and lead strategic roadmap development in the Observations Programme.

– Interact with and ‘light’ coordination of STAC Working Group activities (example: WG-INS). Usually those WGs should work independently.

– End of Phase reviews of Observation Programme.

The organisation

The current phase of the Programme started in January 2019 and will last until the end of 2023.The Coordinating Member is the UK Met Office. The Programme Manager is Jacqueline Sugier. The Observations Programme Management Team is comprised of three staff members.

The Observations Programme Management Team is advised by the Observations Programme Advisory Group and the Observations Scientific Expert Team.

The overall structure of the Obs Programme can be found here.

More information